Meet the Members of the Trust

A list of the Members of the Trust can be found here.  However, below is a quick outline of the Members' skills and abilities as it relates to their role.  Names are in alphabetical order; for information about dates of appointment, please see the list of Members.

Richard Beer is currently Chairman of the Trust Board; he has experience of school governorship spanning over 10 years.

He is a qualified accountant, ACMA, with 30+ years of experience, holding a BSc in Psychology.  He is an experienced finance professional, having held a variety of Finance Director Roles in Financial Services and Housing related businesses including the post of Company Director within a Blue Chip Company.

He has used his broad experience of working in a regulated industry with high standards of governance to support the development of the Trust; he has also held Commercial Director and Director of Group Purchasing roles during his career.  His experience of management includes leading large teams of 100+.


Emma Bradshaw is CEO of a local Trust with an expertise in Alternative Provision.  She was previously Headteacher of The Limes College a Pupil Referral Unit in the London Borough of Sutton. Emma graduated as a teacher with a Bachelor of Education degree 2:1 from the University of Bangor in 1992. With a specialism in Outdoor Education, PE and Special Education Needs. Emma has also completed a post graduate diploma in SEN / Behaviour and NPQH. Emma was Headteacher of The Limes College from 2006 and prior to that has worked in all phases supporting, teaching and managing Behaviour Support Services and provision for excluded pupils. This work has included a specialism in learning outside the classroom, targeted work and training around inclusion issues for children at risk of exclusion from school. Emma has also worked in Outdoor Education centres and a curriculum development project in Knowsley  supporting children at risk of exclusion through the use of Outdoor education. Emma has co-ordinated The Duke of Edinburgh's award in Knowsley LA and at school level whilst teaching in Houndslow. Emma's expertise is around Inclusion, SEN, Safeguarding and learning Outside the classroom. Emma represents secondary schools and special schools and PRUs on The Funding Forum, Safeguarding Board, CAMHs partnership Board and Early Help Board.  She also spends much itme advising others and explaining the challenges for vulnerable children, having input into government groups.


Brian Goldie has many years of experience in school governance; he has also advised on several major scale capital school projects and has a keen interest in health and safety.   He continues to contribute a wealth of expertise at governor, director and member level.

Brian has a BSc honours in Chemistry from Glasgow University and is a chartered chemist (CChem) and chartered scientist (CSci) and a professional member of the Royal Society of Chemistry.  After 25 years in research and development with an international oil company, where he also provided guidance on protection of offshore and onshore facilities, he has been working as a consultant to the global Surface Protection industry.  He provides technical and market advice, has been involved with technology transfer on a global scale, and been a lecturer on MSc courses at Hull and Sheffield Universities.  His strengths are in estate and building maintenance and safe working practices within our schools and the wider environment.


Tony Kerslake has been the Chairman of Sutton’s Education Committee as well as Governor and Chairman of many of Sutton’s schools including 42 years as the Chairman of a local Primary school's Governing Body.  He has been awarded the MBE for services to Education and the Arts in the London Borough of Sutton.

He has financial awareness and understanding through actuarial and management experience.  He is a qualified actuary, having worked in both small and large companies and holding responsibility for some 600 members of staff. Since retiring he has set up his own company in the building arena.


Elaine Leitch is a retired teacher.  She spent 37 years in education, 35 of which were spent at Cheam High School.

Elaine was an Assistant Headteacher at Cheam High School for 16 years with responsibility for the pastoral care in the school.  At various times during this period, she also held responsibility for primary school transfer and induction, admissions, SEN, behaviour support, EAL and attendance.  A major part of Elaine's role was as the designated teacher for child protection and designated teacher for children looked after.  In this capacity, she worked closely with many external agencies and local authority children's services and was responsible for delivering safeguarding training to all staff and governors. 


Dr Rosemary Satchell has been a school governor for over 30 years, having experience across three different secondary schools.  She has led the Governing Body at Cheam High School through three successful Ofsted Inspections as well as chairing the Oaks Park High School governing body during its preparation for the school's first inspection as part of the Trust..  

She holds a BSc First class in Chemistry, PhD in Physical Organic Chemistry and was a senior lecturer in Chemistry at King’s College London.  She was the Chairman of the Science Board of Examiners during this time, Admissions Tutor for Chemistry and Senior Course Advisor to the Physical Sciences.  She has also worked as a Research Chemist for BP.  She has published over 200 articles/research papers/reviews.

Her expertise lies in: Leadership and Management; Curriculum; Performance Analysis; Science; Admissions; Governance Regulations.